Sunday, April 24, 2011

Coop Concert Series - First Effort

On Sunday April 17th we hosted the first Chicken Coop Concert. It featured Jason Ajemian and the Highlife (acoustic bass, drums, guitar, trumpet, sax) followed by Aaron Rosenblum (banjo, fiddle) and a yard full of displaced chickens and fully placed listeners. Go ahead, throw that beer bottle at the band. They won't mind. (The lower picture was sent to me by Hillary Harrison.)

Cover Girl for Urban Homesteading

Miss Ruby is starting her career as a model for urban homesteading. I think this add is coming out in the next Louisville Green Guide. They didn't tell me not to use it's a scoop on that issue. I figure few people see this anyway.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hull's Angels

"What did I hear you say about Dora the Explorer? You better watch your mouth or I'll kick your hiney." Erin and her sister were remembering back to days where they wore underwear on their heads. They figured it was time for their children to have the same memories. This resulted.