We entered Ruby in the State Fair Vegetables and Melons division. We contemplated entering her in the fruits and nuts section, but frankly... that division is very competitive and Ruby has very little time to practice with all the pooping and peeing she is involved in. So we opted for the less popular pepper section; specifically the bell peppers division. In short, she did not win but we are very proud of her none the less and have high hopes for next year when we may enter her as a watermelon.
I just re-read the rules and believe we fell down a bit on Rule #9 in the Vegetables and Melons division. Rule #9 reads: " 9. All vegetables must be fresh and clean. Exhibits must be displayed on white paper plates or similar trays furnished by the Fair."
This, of course, is any fathers nightmare. She didn't win because I didn't put her on a white paper plate or similar tray furnished by the Fair. My little girl lost because of me. And this was her first State Fair experience. Ruined by me. I will make it up to her and hope this doesn't set the tone for our entire relationship.
Note to Ruby: One day you will read this and know that I was the one that prevented you from having a perfect career as a winning State Fair vegetable. Please know how much I love you and forgive me my shortfalls.
Make sure you cool her as soon as possible to reduce water loss, and store her above 7.5°C (45°F) or she could suffer more water loss and shrivel. Storage at 7.5°C (45°F) is best for maximum shelf-life. She will respond very little to ethylene; to accelerate ripening or color change, so just hold her at room temp. Just some tips for next year.
Thanks for the tips. We are experimenting with how her external semi permeable membranes respond to different humidity and temperature treatments. This will narrow down our search.
But perhaps we have simply chosen the wrong State Fair category in which to enter Ruby. I am working on a concept plan to incorporate her into one of the FFA Landscape Design dioramas. I am particularly fond of dioramas and think Ruby would make a good addition to one. Or perhaps as part of a diorama on how a volcano works.
I think "the organic garden" category. Definitely will take first place. Meets all requirements: natural compost, chose "plant" adaptable to your climate and condition, worked in harmony with all natural systems.
the title/ photo is probably the funniest thing i have ever read in a blog. i actually laughed out loud. which is rare.
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